Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014


I set my alarm for 7 this morning and got up. Quiet time and I went for my walk. Ate oatmeal with blueberries. I picked up a little and cleaned half of the kids bathroom. It's embarrassing to have a gross bathroom when you have guests. 

Did school with Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie. Then made a salad and got out the leftover quinoa and mango. A few of us ate. Then I packed lumch for Tom and Ed.

We all piled in the van, Emma and her friend, Jewel, too. Had a very good night at Sloppy's. Rob took the kids for icecream. Then we walked over to Mallory square. Got home at 11 and folded a basket of laundry before going to bed. So tired.

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