Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26, 2014


I started the day with quiet time and then the hot tub. I ate oatmeal with raspberries, then hit the books, bookkeeping, that is. I worked on that till 4, when I had to get ready to go to Schooner Wharf. We watched Jake and Callie too today. Callie hasn't been feeling well and she took a long nap.

I also remembered that we had guests coming tonight and started washing the bed. I had bought pillows for guests, and the kids take them when the guests leave, so I had to scout around for pillows. Grrrr.

Schooner had a pirate costume contest. It was fun. We need to get costume ah for next year. Evalina loaned a costume to Nina and she looked great. Tom, Charlie, and I took a walk and got some pirate things for Charlie.

Our guests, Keith and Happy, met up with us at Schooner and watched the whole show. 

Driving home now. I hope to be in bed by 2 AM. The older kids lead worship in the morning and have to get up kind of early. I can sleep in a little.

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