Monday, June 30, 2014

June 29, 2013


Well... We woke up and started running. It was like the "Home Alone" scene where they are all running around getting ready for the airport, except Garrett and Tommy. I kept catching them sitting down playing their gadgets.

We were all packed up and in the van at 11:30 AM. The first stop was to pick up a weaving loom bench that Ang found on craigslist. They sell new for atleast $400 and Ang paid $60 for it. 

Next we stopped at Gallagher's Guitar Shop in Wartrace, TN. Steve met us at the shop on horseback with some friends. We visited a few minutes and I think Ben showed him something on the guitar that Steve made for him. Nina and I took a short walk to look at a Victorian house that was up for auction, then we climbed back into the van and headed for our next stop in Albertville, AL. 

We stopped for a few groceries so I could make supper, then arrived at the lake house that was so graciously provided for us. Beautiful! Four bedrooms, three bathrooms, tons of room. Ahhh!!! We relaxed and enjoyed the evening. We even made it to bed at 11 PM. 

(I'm throwing in a few more wedding pics from yesterday).

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 28, 2013


I made blueberry pancakes this morning. :0) Callie was right there to get the first one. Kim, Doug, and Stevie stopped in. The guys dropped us girls off at the mall and they went go-carting. Tom was sick all day and stayed home in bed. 

We all had missions. I had to buy wedding clothes and shoes for some of the boys. I needed a pretty purse to go with my dress. I found everything I needed and some cute inexpensive clothes for Jake and Callie. Fun!!!

The boys came back and we all ate at the food court. Our niece, Laura, met us at the mall too with her husband and new baby. Then we all went home to get ready for the wedding.

Our Nephew got married in Nashville. He is the oldest of 8 kids. He has 7 sisters. It was fun being in the city but we never had time to roam around there. Almost all of Tom's family was at the wedding. It was a very enjoyable evening, and I have so many pictures to pick from, it will be hard deciding which to put in my blog. I might put some up tomorrow too.

Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27, 2014


We ate breakfast at the hotel and were off. Drive, drive, drive. We stopped every 3 hours for gas. The kids were good. I knitted on and off on Violet's sweater while co-piloting. I'm multi-talented. I ate a leftover burrito from Chipotle for lunch. TJ brought us supper last night from there and I  am hooked. It was delicious!

We made it to the house we are renting in Nashville at 4 o'clock. We all like it, plenty of room. Ang and I made a supper of rice and beans and a salad. Kim and Doug came over with Stevie. They flew into Nashville today for the wedding tomorrow. 

It was so good to relax with nothing to do. :0)

June 26, 2014


I got up at 8 AM and started packing. It seemed like we had way more stuff than when we came. We did. TJ and his family and their stuff too. :0)

TJ took his rental car back and Ben picked him up on the way from Emma's house to Grandma Fran's. Doug came too so we got to visit a little when all my work was done. That was about noon. 

 Jake, Callie, and Violet were very good in the van. We didn't have any problems. We made our last stop at the last Tim Horton's on our route, then went to our hotel, south of Columbus, OH, at 8 o'clock. It was good for all of us to have some time to relax. TJ took Jake, Callie, and Charlie swimming. We watched a little TV and went to bed.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 25, 2014


I woke up at Stacey's house today. I had hoped we could go walking but it was raining. We made blueberry pancakes, fried potatoes, and eggs for breakfast. 

After the dishes were done we took the kids to a playground in Attica. It sprinkled most of the time but it was good to be outside. Garrett hurt Charlie on the teeter totter. I'm surprised NY state hasn't made them illegal. That's how NY is. 

On the way home Stacey stopped at the grocery store and a few kids went into the Dollar Store. Charlie got quite a few things with $5 and chewed all his gum at once. He's a punk. 

When we got home we made lunch. Stacey made a salad and also supper to take over to her mom's because today was her mother's birthday. She made a cheesecake too. I made wraps for everyone with refried beans or hummus, cucumber, tomatoes, and lettuce.  I also made a chick pea and black bean salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, and cilantro.  We spent a lot of time in the kitchen.

When our late lunch was done we did dishes, packed up the food, and took it to Stacey's mom's. We walked around the yard and looked at her flowers and fish pond. I should have gotten some pictures. We sang "Happy Birthday" and ate cake and ice cream.

When we left we stopped at a food/clothes pantry in Varysburg. There were four people there that knew us (the Doerfels) from our bluegrass days. I'm amazed. 

Next we had an hour drive to Medina to see our friends' band, Higher Mountain Bluegrass, play at a church. Their bass player passed away a few days before and TJ filled in on bass for them. Stacey had 6 of her kids and I had two of mine. Garrett was good but Charlie was not. He wiggled, got up and down, walked away, and fought with Nick. Next time I won't take him with me. He was a big brat. 

When the concert was over we said goodbye to Stacey and her family. That was sad. We did not have enough time together. They left and we ended up going to a Tim Horton's with Charlie and Christine. That was fun until we got a phone call from my mom. She was at the end of her rope. Callie had a diaper rash and mom couldn't find a diaper for her. I could hear Callie screaming in the background. It was 11 PM so we headed home. TJ called Grandma Fran and helped her to find a diaper, but we had over an hour drive home and had to stop at Grandpa Bob's and get TJ's rental car.

We finally made it back to my parents' house. Tommy, Jake, and Callie were still awake, and my mom was working on a sleeve that I had been knitting. She fixed some goofs I made. Thanks Mom!!

Tomorrow is a big day. We pack up and start the drive to Nashville.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 24, 2014


Tom walked with me this morning. We walked down and then back up Clarksburg hill. There's a one lane bridge at the bottom. It's kind of a landmark for me near where I grew up. My horse always wanted to run up that hill. 

As we were getting ready to leave for our gig, it started pouring. It was the first time it rained since I got home. Mom and Dad rode with us to Larken Square. It was a great place for a concert, plenty of places to sit, gorgeous flowers, and plenty of food trucks to feed the crowd, and crowded it was. 

So many friends and fans came to see us, I'm amazed! Baby Violet slept on Great Gramdma for about 3 hours. Stacy came out with some of her kids. Garrett, Charlie, and I went home with them to spend the night. Before we left, during the last song, it started to rain, then poured. 

We stopped for some groceries and then for gas, and arrived about 10 o'clock. We ate cheese and crackers and the kids went to bed. Stacey and I stayed up till 2 AM talking.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 23, 2014


I always go for a check-up with my favorite doctor when we make our annual trip to WNY, and today was the day. Tom took me to my appt. We stopped at the bank, then sat in a parking lot for an hour while Tom did business in the phone. It's illegal to drive and talk on the phone in NY state.

When we got home we packed everyone up and went over to Doug Y's for a picnic. We had a great time. The food was lush, their house and yard so pretty. The kids jumped on the tramp, had a water balloon fight, and tossed the football and frisbee around.

When we left there, we stopped at Doug's gig in Orchard Park and the boys played a set with him. I was pretty pooped by this time and was so ready to go home and go to bed.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22, 2014


We stayed up too late last night and no one set an alarm, so we were scrambling to get ready for church. Ed, Nina, Tom, and I went together to Hamburg Wesleyan. TJ was just getting up when we left so I didn't think they were going. TJ texted us later from our friends' church, Big Tree Wesleyan. TJ thought we were going there. Silly.

When we got home we hurried to leave for our gig at the River Grill. We picked up Ben in Orchard Park. Kurt and Joe were at Ethan's house so Ethan drove them to the gig. TJ drove separate with his family.

We had a great time. The owner of the River Grill and his wife took such good care of us and made us feel so welcome. My parents were there for a while with my brother's kids. There were many friends and fans, from the Buffalo area and farther away. No time for me to be bored. 
Afterwards we ate pizza and then drove home. 

We made coffee and had some raspberry pie. Then, thanks to Tom, we watched an old Alfred Hitchcock episode, and then the Fugitive. 

And to Angelica's mom, Sandy, happy birthday!!!

June 21, 2014


Tom, Garrett, and I went to Tops. I had to pick up the Cake and a few last minute things for Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary party today. When we got home Angelica helped me make a salad. The boys helped my dad put up some tents and set up tables. Grandma Helen brought the roast beef, kimmelweck rolls, au jus, and cheesy potatoes. I picked flowers for the tables. 

My cousins came over, Foltyniak's, and a few friends. The food was delicious. The weather was great, and we had a wonderful time. The little kids swam in the freezing pool. The big kids gave us a little concert. Jakie sang some songs he wrote and made all of us laugh, especially Joe.

We stayed up late visiting with Mike Carr. I haven't seen him in years. He remembers a lot more of our teen years than I do. It was a fun, long day.

June 20, 2014


Tom and I went on a few errands this morning. We went to the bank, took back the fender that was too small for our trailer, went to Lowes to buy a hydrangea, and went to Walmart for party supplies. 

When we got home I planted the hydrangea and spread another bag of peat moss, then watered the flowers. We hurried to get ready and left for our gig in Ellicottville. The drive to Ellicottville was pretty. There was an Amish man with his horse and buggy selling strawberries outside at Tractor Supply. We stopped there to get the right fender.

Our favorite librarian, Laura, came to see us, along with some other old friends, Tom and Jolene, Terry and Bev, my mom and dad, Darryl and Carol. I was surprised to see so many people I recognized. :0)

Mom and dad left halfway thru with Tommy, Charlie, and Jake. By the end of the show I was soooo tired. We stopped at a Tim Hortons on our way home. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 19, 2014


This morning I took Joe and Charlie for haircuts with Tara. It was stressful getting out of the house because Charlie lost one of his shoes, so he went with just one shoe.  Tara used to cut our hair before we moved away from Springville. We hadn't seen her in a long time so it was good to catch up. 

Next, we stopped at Lowes for flowers to plant at my mom's. Then we went to Tim Horton's. When we got home I started planting. Carol and her kids arrived while I was planting flowers so she helped me. 

Mom and Dad had been working on opening the pool since we got here, and the kids couldn't wait any longer. They went in, the water was 74 degrees. Crazy kids, but they had a blast.

Darryl arrived after work with hot dogs and Italian sausage patties. Grandpa Gary cooked them up on the grill and we had to fight the kids for the sausages.

Darryl collected wood and made a fire. I had bought stuff for s'mores and we made them. After a while I was the last one left at the fire. It was the mosquitos and I. I stayed out there a while, then came in where everyone was watching old videos taken by grandpa. Ben was 8 and playing guitar at the state fair in Syracuse. Tommy was around my feet and I was pregnant with Charlie.

Jake started playing mandolin in the living room so some of us joined him, TJ on dobro, Tommy on guitar, Tom on bass, Angelica on banjo, and me on fiddle! Ha!! Callie and Charlie joined in on their fiddles too. What fun! We did a lot today.

By the way, I found Charlie's missing shoe in the van. The one he was wearing was in the house. Punk. 

June 18, 2014


Today I dug up Mom's flower garden in front of the house. That took most of the day. Tom roofed. My brother, Darryl, and his family came over. Ed and Nina took TJ and Ang to get their rental car. When they got back the band left for their gig at Moonshiners. My mom made lasagna but the band didn't get to eat till they got home. About 8:30, my parents and I went to Moonshiners. Darryl and Carol went too. 

I'm glad I went. I saw many familiar faces. Thanks for coming everyone!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 17, 2014


Tom and I left at noon and visited his step-dad and double step-mom, Bob and Helen.  Then we went to visit our accountant, one of the worst days of the whole year for me. I strongly dislike paperwork. 

Our appointment was at 2. We visited for an hour first, then got to work. 2013 was the first year I used quicken on my computer, so I wasn't sure how things were going to go. My laptop was dead because one of the kids must have used it and left it dead for me, but I had the charger with me. Then the computer our accountant was using was running too slow and he had to switch computers. I was beginning to think it was going to take more than one day, but things got better. Dave switched to his secretary's computer, and he knew what to do to find the things he needed from my computer. Four hours and 40 pages of forms and we were done! Yippee ya hooey!!!

We also had another little issue of the IRS thinking we already filed for 2013 when we hadn't yet. Somehow they confused us with TJ. TJ got his money back, and they sent us money too, everything that we already paid for 2013, only we hadn't filed yet and it was all TJ's numbers. So Dave wrote a letter and we are returning the check. We will see how long it takes to clear this mess up.

Next stop, Mighty Taco, a Doerfel favorite. Then we stopped to get a fender for the trailer, which ended up being too small. The final stop was Moonshiners, to check it out for Wednesday's gig. We got home after 8 PM.

The big kids spent the day at the Galleria Mall, and then went to Emma's house, or maybe some kids to Ethan's house. The younger boys stayed at my parents house all day. 

The big kids picked up TJ and family from the Buffalo airport just after
Midnight. I stayed up till about 1 AM but was too tired to wait any longer and went to bed.

Here's a pick of Jake and Callie on the airplane.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 16, 2014


I went walking with Tommy. Only two dogs charged into the street at us. I yelled no at them without looking at them and they miraculously stopped and went back in their yard. Now I don't want to walk because I don't want to come across more dogs. :0(

I spent the morning trying to plan out my days here. Who to visit when, and started to plan Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary party for Saturday.  All the kids went to Chestnut Ridge Park to play frisbee golf and they walked down to the eternal flame. 

Tom had shingles delivered today and started roofing the back of Mom and Dad's house. The boys found the longbows in the basement and spent some time shooting, and arguing over taking turns. There was string for only one bow.

For supper I cut up four heads of cauliflower and made Buffalo Cauliflower. I also made a salad. After supper, all the kids went bowling with their O'Brien cousins. Tom and I went to Tom's sister Becky's to visit and soak in her hottub. We all got home late.