Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 28, 2013


I made blueberry pancakes this morning. :0) Callie was right there to get the first one. Kim, Doug, and Stevie stopped in. The guys dropped us girls off at the mall and they went go-carting. Tom was sick all day and stayed home in bed. 

We all had missions. I had to buy wedding clothes and shoes for some of the boys. I needed a pretty purse to go with my dress. I found everything I needed and some cute inexpensive clothes for Jake and Callie. Fun!!!

The boys came back and we all ate at the food court. Our niece, Laura, met us at the mall too with her husband and new baby. Then we all went home to get ready for the wedding.

Our Nephew got married in Nashville. He is the oldest of 8 kids. He has 7 sisters. It was fun being in the city but we never had time to roam around there. Almost all of Tom's family was at the wedding. It was a very enjoyable evening, and I have so many pictures to pick from, it will be hard deciding which to put in my blog. I might put some up tomorrow too.

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