Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014


Today is Joe and Garrett's birthdays!! 20
and 15.

Ed, Nina, and Kurt played at Blue Heaven this morning. I took Charlie to his fiddle lesson, then stopped at Bealls and bought a backpack for the boys math books. 

I went home and Rita was waiting for me. She is going to watery plants and get the mail while we are gone. I showed her what to do. I ate my oatmeal and started getting things done and cross them off my list. Tommy washed lots of dishes all day because he didn't help with anything else. Ben and Ethan went to the studio. I think they were mixing, but what we really needed was help at the house, packing and cleaning the carport.

I made granola for the trip for Tom. I made peppers stuffed with lentils for today's supper, corn on the cob, and banana-blueberry-chocolate chip muffins for tomorrow's breakfast. I cleaned out the fridge and filled a box with food for Kim. I packed the cooler. Garrett and Joe helped with things on and off. Tom drained the hot tub and cleaned off the back porch with help from Garrett and Joe. 

Ben and I took the box of food over to Kim's, then we stopped at Bealls for a backpack for Ben. Things were finally winding down. Someone should have taken video today, for a good laugh.

The last thing we did before leaving was clean up the carport. Garbage. Sweep. Yuck. And finally, at 8:00 PM, we got on the road. 

Tonight's destination is Fort Pierce. 

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