Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014


We went to church. Nina's band went to Sunset Pier. After church Tom went to look at someone's roof. I stayed at home, and all the things I planned on doing, I didn't do. I made veggie wraps for Ed, Tom, and I. Then I made coconut milk yogurt and cooked lentils for tomorrow's lunch. I cooked a sweet potato and put it on top of the salad I packed for the ride to Schooner Wharf. My coffee maker that the kids gote for Mother's Day broke. Turns out there is a piece missing. I have a feeling someone used it and somehow lost or threw out that piece. :0(

When I got in the van, it looked like a garbage dump. The big kids disappoint me. This is the nicest van we've ever had, and this is how they treat it. Also, when Nina's band left this morning in the GMC, they forgot to take the hitch off it and leave it for the 15 passenger. Lucky for us the kids' friend, JC, left his truck at our house. Tom took his hitch. So, we were able to tow our trailer and all our equipment to the gig. 

Rob was waiting for me at Schooner and we snuck off to the Boathouse for supper. What a treat for me!! The rest of the night I sat at Schooner and knitted. The body of the baby sweater is done. I started a sleeve. Sometimes I think I should give up knitting. 

We had a great night at Schooner. We made some new fans from Alabama. They stayed the whole night and they were awesome. A big thank you to all our fans! 

Here's a pic of Tommy at church this morning, and a picture of the garbage in the 15 passenger van. 

Oh, Joe says I never mention him in my blog, so I thought I'd mention that he slept till 4 PM yesterday. :0)

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