Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 16, 2014


I went walking with Tommy. Only two dogs charged into the street at us. I yelled no at them without looking at them and they miraculously stopped and went back in their yard. Now I don't want to walk because I don't want to come across more dogs. :0(

I spent the morning trying to plan out my days here. Who to visit when, and started to plan Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary party for Saturday.  All the kids went to Chestnut Ridge Park to play frisbee golf and they walked down to the eternal flame. 

Tom had shingles delivered today and started roofing the back of Mom and Dad's house. The boys found the longbows in the basement and spent some time shooting, and arguing over taking turns. There was string for only one bow.

For supper I cut up four heads of cauliflower and made Buffalo Cauliflower. I also made a salad. After supper, all the kids went bowling with their O'Brien cousins. Tom and I went to Tom's sister Becky's to visit and soak in her hottub. We all got home late.


  1. HI Cheryl! Bart and I are following your visit back. I can identify, returning "home" to PA farm where I grew up - until sold in 1998 - from Maine year after year, and trying to figure out how many to see and things to do in the days we had! On a different note, do you ever have time to share recipes, as in Buffalo Cauliflower?

  2. Written from Bart's laptop, but written by Gail!!
