Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 17, 2014


Tom and I left at noon and visited his step-dad and double step-mom, Bob and Helen.  Then we went to visit our accountant, one of the worst days of the whole year for me. I strongly dislike paperwork. 

Our appointment was at 2. We visited for an hour first, then got to work. 2013 was the first year I used quicken on my computer, so I wasn't sure how things were going to go. My laptop was dead because one of the kids must have used it and left it dead for me, but I had the charger with me. Then the computer our accountant was using was running too slow and he had to switch computers. I was beginning to think it was going to take more than one day, but things got better. Dave switched to his secretary's computer, and he knew what to do to find the things he needed from my computer. Four hours and 40 pages of forms and we were done! Yippee ya hooey!!!

We also had another little issue of the IRS thinking we already filed for 2013 when we hadn't yet. Somehow they confused us with TJ. TJ got his money back, and they sent us money too, everything that we already paid for 2013, only we hadn't filed yet and it was all TJ's numbers. So Dave wrote a letter and we are returning the check. We will see how long it takes to clear this mess up.

Next stop, Mighty Taco, a Doerfel favorite. Then we stopped to get a fender for the trailer, which ended up being too small. The final stop was Moonshiners, to check it out for Wednesday's gig. We got home after 8 PM.

The big kids spent the day at the Galleria Mall, and then went to Emma's house, or maybe some kids to Ethan's house. The younger boys stayed at my parents house all day. 

The big kids picked up TJ and family from the Buffalo airport just after
Midnight. I stayed up till about 1 AM but was too tired to wait any longer and went to bed.

Here's a pick of Jake and Callie on the airplane.

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