Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 20, 2014


Tom and I went on a few errands this morning. We went to the bank, took back the fender that was too small for our trailer, went to Lowes to buy a hydrangea, and went to Walmart for party supplies. 

When we got home I planted the hydrangea and spread another bag of peat moss, then watered the flowers. We hurried to get ready and left for our gig in Ellicottville. The drive to Ellicottville was pretty. There was an Amish man with his horse and buggy selling strawberries outside at Tractor Supply. We stopped there to get the right fender.

Our favorite librarian, Laura, came to see us, along with some other old friends, Tom and Jolene, Terry and Bev, my mom and dad, Darryl and Carol. I was surprised to see so many people I recognized. :0)

Mom and dad left halfway thru with Tommy, Charlie, and Jake. By the end of the show I was soooo tired. We stopped at a Tim Hortons on our way home. 

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