Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 25, 2014


I woke up at Stacey's house today. I had hoped we could go walking but it was raining. We made blueberry pancakes, fried potatoes, and eggs for breakfast. 

After the dishes were done we took the kids to a playground in Attica. It sprinkled most of the time but it was good to be outside. Garrett hurt Charlie on the teeter totter. I'm surprised NY state hasn't made them illegal. That's how NY is. 

On the way home Stacey stopped at the grocery store and a few kids went into the Dollar Store. Charlie got quite a few things with $5 and chewed all his gum at once. He's a punk. 

When we got home we made lunch. Stacey made a salad and also supper to take over to her mom's because today was her mother's birthday. She made a cheesecake too. I made wraps for everyone with refried beans or hummus, cucumber, tomatoes, and lettuce.  I also made a chick pea and black bean salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, and cilantro.  We spent a lot of time in the kitchen.

When our late lunch was done we did dishes, packed up the food, and took it to Stacey's mom's. We walked around the yard and looked at her flowers and fish pond. I should have gotten some pictures. We sang "Happy Birthday" and ate cake and ice cream.

When we left we stopped at a food/clothes pantry in Varysburg. There were four people there that knew us (the Doerfels) from our bluegrass days. I'm amazed. 

Next we had an hour drive to Medina to see our friends' band, Higher Mountain Bluegrass, play at a church. Their bass player passed away a few days before and TJ filled in on bass for them. Stacey had 6 of her kids and I had two of mine. Garrett was good but Charlie was not. He wiggled, got up and down, walked away, and fought with Nick. Next time I won't take him with me. He was a big brat. 

When the concert was over we said goodbye to Stacey and her family. That was sad. We did not have enough time together. They left and we ended up going to a Tim Horton's with Charlie and Christine. That was fun until we got a phone call from my mom. She was at the end of her rope. Callie had a diaper rash and mom couldn't find a diaper for her. I could hear Callie screaming in the background. It was 11 PM so we headed home. TJ called Grandma Fran and helped her to find a diaper, but we had over an hour drive home and had to stop at Grandpa Bob's and get TJ's rental car.

We finally made it back to my parents' house. Tommy, Jake, and Callie were still awake, and my mom was working on a sleeve that I had been knitting. She fixed some goofs I made. Thanks Mom!!

Tomorrow is a big day. We pack up and start the drive to Nashville.

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