Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3, 2014


The pouring rain woke me up early. I should have gotten busy but was slow moving. Tom was putting in a new used dishwasher last night and finished it this morning. The kitchen was trashed because I couldn't use the sink/water. The living room was still trashed from yesterday. Ed started to pick it up but had to leave. We started school at 11 and didn't end till 6:30. Ugh!! Garrett and Tommy need to work more diligently. They wasted a lot of time.

TJ dropped off the kids at 2:30. He took Ang to a doctor's appt in Miami. Mo came here and we did Tai Chi downstairs from 4-5. Jonathan came home after work and he cleaned the living room and emptied the dishwasher after it's trial run.  Tommy went to work at the church at 7. The older boys went to the park to play hockey. Nina did her laundry. 

Kurt spent the day in KW taking graduation pics for the high school. Ben, Ed, Joe, and Nina were at the studio finishing recording their video. They probably started editing too.

While the boys played hockey, I took the little ones out on the porch to play with bubbles. I needed to get groceries today but never had time. I will have to run out in the morning before school. I want to make a menu for this week too, and I need to do some bookkeeping. 

Tommy was nauseous last night and this morning. Now Joe and Ben are feeling sick. Charlie has a sore throat. 

At 9:30 we watched "The Emperor's New Groove." I don't get to watch movies very often so I never saw it before. 

Here's a pic of my new dresser from Brenda and the new dishwasher. The dishwasher was free from TJ's apartment. The previous renter left it there and TJ and Ang didn't want it. 

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