Monday, June 2, 2014

May 31, 2014


I went walking this morning. Tom wanted me to go to the afternoon gig at Sunset Pier because he wanted me to look at an RV with him. At the last minute he said I didn't have to go because the guy never called him back. I went to pick up TJ for the gig and Tom met us at Walgreens. TJ road in with them and I went home. 

I did a lot of things today. I folded lots and lots of laundry. I did math with Garrett and Tommy. I did the dishes. I took the loom Stacey gave me over to Kim's studio and started threading a wrap.

 I came home about the same time the boys came home from hockey. I didn't have supper plans, but Rob brought me two watermelons so I hurriedly cut them up and pulled leftover salad and Sloppy Joe lentils out of the fridge. It turned out ok.  

1 comment:

  1. You're definitely a busy mom and wife Cheryl. Bless you and your family. Chris and I had a chance to listen to the band's 2 CDs we bought at the Pier. Great earlier music . We can't wait to someday hearing your daughter if she rejoins the band. Please try to convince Tom to bring the band to St. Augustine. I believe in April there's a Rythmn and Blues festival. May be a perfect fit. Have a blessed day and give our best to Tom and the entire family.
    Joe Sappington
