Monday, June 2, 2014

June 1, 2014


I woke up early and went in the hot tub, then got ready for church. Today the youth worship band was leading worship at the 9:30 & 11 o'clock services, so I wanted to go to both. The kids did great, and also had a funny video/commercial they made about the youth group.

After church I spent a half hour going thru my desk stuff to organize it to put in a drawer of my dresser. Then we scrambled to get ready to go out on our friend's boat. Tom and I took Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, Jake, Ian, Ariel, and Jonathan with us. We went out to an island. The kids went on the island and played on paddle boards. We had just enough time on the water before we headed back. 

Garrett and Jaden had to work at church tonight so we didn't want to be late. Tom, Charlie, and I went. Afterwards, I dropped Tom off at the park for hockey. When we pulled in I saw Jake having a tantrum in the grass. I took him home with me but it wasn't easy. He broke one of my new shoes. He was throwing a big time fit. 

Since I was hardly home and I was out of lettuce, I ordered 5 pizzas. The house was TRASHED!! Nina was there with Charlie,  and Callie was sleeping on the couch. I worked on clearing the table, then went to pick up the pizza.

When I got home, Rob surprised me. He brought two watermelons and was cooking some steaks and green beans. I only wanted one bite of steak but he gave me a few bites and it was sooo good. Thanks Rob!! (I ate some pizza too).

The boys watched hockey, and I started shooing kids to bed at 11:30. When I go to bed I don't have an ounce of energy left.

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