Friday, June 6, 2014

June 5, 2014


I got my walk out of the way. On the way home a crab in the road startled me. I almost stepped on him. After I showered we started school and I planned the birthday party for tonight, Joe, Garrett, and the kids' friend, Jonathan. I had to go to Winn Dixie for ingredients to make an ice cream cake. 

Garrett and Tommy helped me make the Cake. We did a little more schoolwork and then I went back to the studio to weave. I wove 3 or 4 feet. I can't remember, but it was fun. Went back home. No one was there. Most of the kids were at youth group. Charlie was at Shannon's. Tom and Rob were skating at the park. I cut up 3 heads of cauliflower to make Buffalo Cauliflower. Jonathan got home from work and cut up the watermelon. I made a salad and we also had carrots and blue cheese. The kids came home and ate all the cauliflower. Big hit.

We sang our horrible rendition of "Happy Birthday." Then ate the cake. Bobby,
Shannon,  Aylsa, Jaden, and his dad came over too. Garrett and I did the dishes. The dishwasher was stuffed. Didn't get to bed till close to 2 AM.

Here's a pic of the crab, and the Poincianna tree with the sun shining.

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