Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 24, 2014


Tom walked with me this morning. We walked down and then back up Clarksburg hill. There's a one lane bridge at the bottom. It's kind of a landmark for me near where I grew up. My horse always wanted to run up that hill. 

As we were getting ready to leave for our gig, it started pouring. It was the first time it rained since I got home. Mom and Dad rode with us to Larken Square. It was a great place for a concert, plenty of places to sit, gorgeous flowers, and plenty of food trucks to feed the crowd, and crowded it was. 

So many friends and fans came to see us, I'm amazed! Baby Violet slept on Great Gramdma for about 3 hours. Stacy came out with some of her kids. Garrett, Charlie, and I went home with them to spend the night. Before we left, during the last song, it started to rain, then poured. 

We stopped for some groceries and then for gas, and arrived about 10 o'clock. We ate cheese and crackers and the kids went to bed. Stacey and I stayed up till 2 AM talking.

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