Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 12, 2014


I woke up with a killer sore throat. :0( I ate 2 muffins and had a cup of coffee. Then ate a bowl of granola. I was still cold but put my walking clothes on and went for a walk. It was 70 degrees out and cloudy, but as I walked, the sun came out. I walked four miles and would have been lost if I didn't have my phone. I missed the street walking back to Reed and Laurie's house. Glad I went out. 

Everyone relaxed. The kids threw the football around and went swimming in the lake. I knitted. Put lunch out. 

We left at 6 for our gig at Shoal's grill. We ordered food. I relaxed and knitted some more. My Aunt Laurie drove in from Raleigh so we visited. It was late when we were done so she came home with us to Reed and Laurie's. Tom and I gave her our room and we slept on the boat. We leave tomorrow for Wind Gap.

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