Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 4, 2014


I couldn't sleep last night. I finally fell asleep sometime after 5:30. Not good. Then, of course, I overslept till 9:30. So I did not go walking. I had the boys start schoolwork and I went to Winn Dixie for groceries. Tom took TJ and his family to the Lauderdale airport. They are headed to CA for the Grass Valley Father's Day Bluegrass Festival. Came home. Put the groceries away. No matter how big my fridge is, it won't be big enough. I might have to go back to 3 trips a week. 

Apples. I can fit 10 in a bag. (Ends up being $1 an apple). I buy two bags. That's enough for everyone to have one apple two days in a row. I buy 4 bunches of bananas every time I go in the store. Anyways, I survived. 

We did school till 4:30. Then I went to the weaving studio. We got another wrap wound on the loom.  I picked up Chinese when we left the studio and Kim and I ate at church before Bible study. 

Things started out quiet at home afterwards. I went in the hot tub. I wanted to knit but ended up on the phone. I read. As I did the dishes with Garrett, I found out that he and Tommy didn't do their math. When I left at 4:30 that was what they were supposed to do. They wasted the time instead. I was mad and made them do it at 10:45 pm. Then I turned into the bedtime police and tried getting kids to sleep. Garrett and Jonathan kept talking for more than an hour after I told them to go to sleep. Ed sent me a text after 1 AM complaining about them. 

After taking TJ's family to the airport, Tom went to visit our friend, John T., in Hutchinson Island. He spent the night and will come home tomorrow.

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