Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 6, 2014


I went to Blue Heaven for an interview, and breakfast, while Ed, Nina, and Ethan had a gig there. I wanted to stay home (so much to do) but I'm glad I went. The woman that interviewed us was from Silver Creek, NY. Tom's family has a cottage out there. That took up most of the day. We left at 8:30 AM and arrived home about 4:30. We had two hours before we had to leave for the Hurricane. I folded laundry. 

The 15 passenger van is in the shop for a time-up before our trip so we took the GMC. The AC is broke in the GMC. :0(

We ate pizza and set up at the Hurricane. The kids played games and pool. About halfway thru I drove Kurt's car home with Luke, Tommy, and Charlie. 

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