Friday, June 27, 2014

June 26, 2014


I got up at 8 AM and started packing. It seemed like we had way more stuff than when we came. We did. TJ and his family and their stuff too. :0)

TJ took his rental car back and Ben picked him up on the way from Emma's house to Grandma Fran's. Doug came too so we got to visit a little when all my work was done. That was about noon. 

 Jake, Callie, and Violet were very good in the van. We didn't have any problems. We made our last stop at the last Tim Horton's on our route, then went to our hotel, south of Columbus, OH, at 8 o'clock. It was good for all of us to have some time to relax. TJ took Jake, Callie, and Charlie swimming. We watched a little TV and went to bed.

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