Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22, 2014


We stayed up too late last night and no one set an alarm, so we were scrambling to get ready for church. Ed, Nina, Tom, and I went together to Hamburg Wesleyan. TJ was just getting up when we left so I didn't think they were going. TJ texted us later from our friends' church, Big Tree Wesleyan. TJ thought we were going there. Silly.

When we got home we hurried to leave for our gig at the River Grill. We picked up Ben in Orchard Park. Kurt and Joe were at Ethan's house so Ethan drove them to the gig. TJ drove separate with his family.

We had a great time. The owner of the River Grill and his wife took such good care of us and made us feel so welcome. My parents were there for a while with my brother's kids. There were many friends and fans, from the Buffalo area and farther away. No time for me to be bored. 
Afterwards we ate pizza and then drove home. 

We made coffee and had some raspberry pie. Then, thanks to Tom, we watched an old Alfred Hitchcock episode, and then the Fugitive. 

And to Angelica's mom, Sandy, happy birthday!!!

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