Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014


I didn't sleep at all last night. Tom and I shared a bed with Charlie, Nina with Tommy, and the other boys had three to a bed. I was freezing all night long with the AC blowing on my head. Tom and I got up at 6:20 AM and met our friend John T. at the Cracker Barrel next to our hotel. After breakfast and a nice visit we woke up the kids and got back on the road. 

Our first mishap was leaving Kurt at a rest stop. He had been sitting between Ben and Ethan in the van and neither one noticed him missing. We were about a mile down the road when someone noticed her wasn't there. Then he called. He asked several people, all men, if he could use their phone and they all said no. So he asked a woman and she let him use her phone. So we had to double back and get him.

Our second mishap was a blown tire on our trailer. It blew the fender off. I've got a pic of the pit crew, 2 working and 3 watching. That's about right.

The third thing we ran into was a heavy downpour, and fourth, a traffic jam on the north side of Charlotte. 

We made it to our friends' house at 7:00 pm for hot dogs and chips. The boys watched the hockey game and I got to bed at 11:00. Yay!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great story! OMG being left in a rest stop! Road Trip Movie!
