Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013


I went walking this morning and got to talk with a good friend on the phone. We both needed that. I showered and  ate my granola. Charlie had oatmeal. Tommy had toast with peanut butter and strawberries, and I don't know what everyone else ate.

TJ brought Jake and Callie upstairs so I could babysit. They went to the studio to record a surprise for somebody. Tommy and Garret's friend Heather came over . They all helped watch the grand kids while I ground wheat berries to make bread tomorrow. I also made a batch of coconut milk yogurt. I threw together some spicy beans and packed my salad to eat on the way to Sloppy Joes. 

I did some doodle crochet while we drove, since I didn't have a project ready to go. I spent a lot of time while at Sloppy Joes looking at Irish Crochet. I found a pincushion pattern that might be my first beginner project. I have lots of colors of crochet thread. I'm anxious to try it, and it's small enough that I might finish it.

We had a good crowd at Sloppy's. I think Ben was a little nervous being in charge with Kim on maternity leave. Their first two sets were great and helped boost their confidence. Their 3rd set seemed to lose some momentum or something. I think it's because they repeated some songs so it wasn't as exciting for them. They are going to pick out some new songs to learn.

We had 3 vehicles in KW. Tom met us at the gig when he was done working. Ed and Nina had driven the GMC to return the generator we rented for Saturday's show, and the rest of us were in the 15 passenger towing the trailer. 

Ed stopped at Winn Dixie for me on the way home and bought milk, berries, and popcicles for Charlie. He did great tonight. My yogurt was a flop and I poured it down the drain. I'm not sure what went wrong. I used coconut sugar. Either it didn't like that or there wasn't enough starter in it. I'll try another batch tomorrow. I am trying to find a recipe I like and then I will stick to it.

I read "Captain Underpants" to Charlie. We finished the book and hit the sack.

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