Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 7, 2013


We went to church, but Ben didn't get up after I woke him up twice so he didn't go. I didn't even notice till he texted me when church was over. He came over to church and ate lunch. Nina's band went to their gig at Sunset Pier.

The kids' friend, Heather, came over. Tom, Charlie, and I went swimming at Byron's. We swam for about a half hour when a big, ugly gray cloud moved in and it started to rain. It was time to leave anyways, because I had to get home to babysit for TJ and Angelica. They left for their gig at Geiger Key. A little while after that, the remaining band left for their gig at Schooner Wharf. A half hour before they started Ben got sick and laid down in the van. Nina saved the day and ran the show. Tom picked TJ up from Geiger Key when his gig was done and took him to Schooner Wharf, and Ang drove home. Kim doesn't play with us on Sundays. It's her day off. So starting the gig minus 3 band members was not a good thing. Thank you Nina!

Back at the house, I made the kids spaghetti. I also did some work on the computer with Quicken. I reconciled two months bank statements and it worked! I could t get it to print but maybe Ed can help me with that later.

After Ang got home and took the kids, I went to Winn Dixie to get groceries. It was 9:30. I don't like to go at night but sometimes there's no other time to go.

I met a couple in the check-out line. They were staying (tent camping) at Bahia Honda, had spent the day in Key West, and needed a microwave to cook their food. There's no where to eat in Big Pine late at night and the Winn Dixie is open till 11. I invited them over to use our microwave. They said yes and followed me over.

Turns out they have 6 kids, 5 boys and one girl. Their anniversary is this week, ours is too. They home school. We just had a lot in common. They helped me bring in the groceries and cooked their food. They also saw Nina's group playing in KW this afternoon and i told them the two blond kids were mine.We had an interesting visit and then they left. I hoped they could come to our show tomorrow but they were leaving tomorrow.

I finished putting my groceries away and the band got home a little after one.

It just started pouring again. There's been too much rain lately. Ed's right eye has been bothering him since yesterday. Looks like pink eye to me. I'm about ready for a day off. I don't know if I'll ever get one. A few months ago I talked about going to the beach by myself. I haven't done it yet, but maybe soon.

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