Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17, 2013


Somehow, I slept in this morning till 9:30. That put a dent in my day. It was sprinkling out when I went walking, but I needed to get out. It did stop raining though.

Ed must have felt a little guilty for not doing the dishes last night, or he just wanted to help me out, because he put the dishes away. Ben finally folded a few baskets of laundry. 

I've been taking the little boys' iPads at night and not giving them back till the next day when we drive to a gig. They were on them way too much. I had Garrett turn in his iPod last night. He set it on my desk. This morning I noticed it was just the empty case. I guess he thinks he's smarter than me. I've got plans in the making for him. Don't you just love surprises?

I read a few chapters of Charlie's book to him and paid a few bills. Then it was time to make my salad and get ready for Sloppy's.

We got 2 hundred dollar bills in our tips tonight! Yay!! That makes everybody happy.

On the way home we stopped at Winn Dixie to buy popsicles for Charlie. He's been having a good attitude during the shows. He's even doing the Michael Jackson spin. :0)

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