Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 28, 2013

I ate my oatmeal and fruit for breakfast and was too tempted at church and ate again. I even had a pop-tart!

After church I crocheted and then we went to Ida's to go swimming. Right before we left Kim came over with her  bobbin lace pillow and she went with us. She taught me what to do and got me started. 

When we got home I kept making lace and the boys all went to play hockey. Rob came up to play hockey. I started messing something up with the lace and decided to start dinner. I made coconut black beans and brown rice, broccoli, and salad. For dessert we had some chocolate chips and cashews.

Garrett had a lot of dishes. I hope they are done when I get up in the morning.

Still missing the house in MO. Space. Room. Ozark. I had a school room. Now all our school stuff is in the living room/dining room. I'll quit thinking about that now.


  1. I really enjoy your blog Mrs. Doerfel! Love the way you write :-)
