Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9, 2013

I went walking this morning. I needed to get out of the house. I didn't get to any credit cards with Quicken like I had hoped, but I did print out all the Amazon business receipts for the month of January. It was a start. Then it was time to go to work.

Tom had to work all the way up in Key Largo today so he couldn't get back in time for our gig at the Navy base. Ed drove us down. We met up with TJ and Ang in the Publix parking lot. We dropped off Ariel at her house, and then went to the Navy base. It rained the whole time we drove but stopped just before we got there. We were sure they were going to postpone or cancel, but they didn't. The clouds went away and the event was under a covered pavilion. There were a lot of families with young children. Jake, Callie, Charlie, Ian, Tommy, Aaron, and Ailsa ran around the whole time. I crocheted and watched the sun set.

We piled back into the van, dropped off Ian, picked up River and Tiger and headed back to the Publix parking lot so TJ could get their van. The ride home seemed long.

I ordered pizza for Garrett and Tom before we left the gig. We get it on Tuesdays because the special is buy one, get one free. They delivered them but wouldn't give us the special. They said we have to say 2 for 1 when we order. I've never done that before. Tom called the pizzaria and they said too bad. Looks like we will never get pizza there again. :0(

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