Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27, 2013


I helped the band off to their first gig at Sunset Pier. I made Joe breakfast and packed him a cooler. Angelica was weaving at Kim's studio so TJ brought the kids up when it was time for the band to leave.

I woke up Garrett and Tommy. Garrett had to go downstairs and clean up the mess the deer and garbage men left. I don't get the garbage men. If the deer knock over a can, and the bag is still in the can, the garbage men, for some reason, can't put it in the truck. And Garrett doesn't do the best job cleaning up the garbage in the grass.

The house next door is a vacation rental. The garbage men won't take garbage unless it's in a can. The renters put their garbage out at the street in a bag, no can. Pick-up isn't till Wednesday. That means the deer have three days to rip it apart all over our driveway and I get stuck cleaning up their garbage. Enough of that.

I emptied a bin that has been hanging out in a corner of my room, some books, CDs, DVDs, and photos. That moved me to the next job, the bookshelves in the living room. There are too many books, even though I left 2/3 of our books in MO. I picture my stuff in the Ozark flea markets. Anyways, I went through some shelves and gathered a box full to take to Salvation Army. I also pulled some schoolbooks for this coming year to move over to the shelves by the table.

I did some laundry and straightened up the shoes and entryway. I swept part of the living room and the hallway. I watered the plants on the porch. I need a new chair out there. The wicker rocker went down to the garbage. Maybe the deer would like to sit in it while they go thru the garbage. :0) 

Garrett mowed grass and still did not pick up the branches in the yard. Hmmm...I've only asked him about a bazillion times. Make that a bazillion and one. So he picked up the branches by the garbage cans but left all the others. He's on the bad boy list.

After Ang picked up the kids, I went to Winn Dixie and picked up a few things, put it away, and made a batch of coconut milk yogurt. Then I got Tommy and Charlie in the car and we went to Hogfish. 

Hogfish has the best food (and the best waitress). There was a great crowd there tonight. The only bad thing was that I ate too much, but not as much as I used to eat. 

I crocheted. It was a bit hot and I wasn't sitting near a fan. Plus I was on a bar stool so after four hours I was uncomfortable. I was anxious to go home and shower. So I rode home with TJ and the little boys while the other boys were still packing up. 

I showered and moved the yogurt to the fridge. Everyone else got home. I was too tired to read to Charlie but Nina did. Yay for Nina!!

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