Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6, 2013


Is it really summer? Where does the time go? I slept in till 9, then had to get moving. Ang went to weave at Kim's studio and TJ brought the grand kids up so he could go to the gig at Sunset Pier. The kids were very good today. Callie fell asleep in the high chair while eating a plum. I should have gotten a picture.

I made whole wheat bread and veggie chili for lunch. It was just me, Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie after Angelica got home. I also finished sewing the dust ruffle for my bed today. Garrett and Tommy helped me put it on. Next I have to attach the lace to the second pillow case and top sheet. After that I have to make the coverlet, and I will have to buy new pillows and make the shams. I have some ideas for throw pillows with ruffles. Fun! Kim and I are going to paint a picture to hang over my bed.

Kim picked up Charlie and me and we met the band at the second gig at Salty's in Marathon. I brought my computer and Carolyn helped me get started with Quicken. I think I can do it. She's a good teacher and I'm so thankful that she helped me.

A bunch of other home schoolers showed up too. The kids had a great time. We don't see each other every week like we did during the school year.

I had hoped to practice my flute and fiddle today but didn't get to it. I want to play a little with Tommy on guitar. Maybe tomorrow.

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