Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 23, 2013


I got up and went walking. I made my "to-do" list the night before and I had started taking care of number 1, finishing the kids school portfolios so I could get them in the mail. Ed ran into the kitchen saying Joe was having a seizure. :0( It lasted the usual 2 minutes, then it took him about 5 minutes to come out of it. Another 5 minutes and he was on his feet and sat down on my queens chair. He banged his head when he fell so I made an ice pack. He fell asleep on my chair. He was in and out for about 15 minutes. He asked me for a blanket. 

I started number 2 on my list, cleaning up the area under my quilt frame in my room so I could keep an eye on Joe. It took him a while to remember things. He asks a lot of questions. What day is it? What time is it? Did I eat already? Stuff like that.

He got dressed and I took Joe and Charlie two blocks away for hair cuts. They both look sweet!

Back home I continued picking up. I did some bookkeeping. I made pizza dough and let it rise while I went over to Kim's for an hour. We watched part of a DVD about making Irish lace. Ed, Nina, Ben, and Kurt went to a gig at Lazy Gecko.

When I left Kim's I stopped at Winn Dixie and bought mushrooms, watermelon, and bananas. I finished making the pizzas, with no cheese and lots of vegetables. The boys had gone to play hockey so I had a little time alone. 

I ordered two pizzas for the boys who I knew wouldn't like my veggie pizza. It took 1 1/2 hours for the pizza to come and one didn't have any sauce. Weird.  I also made a salad and cut up the watermelon. 

After I ate I crocheted a little and Garrett did the dishes. Bobby was here doing computer work for his job with Tom. I was too tired to clean up supper but I made myself put away the leftovers. 

Today was too long. Time for bed.

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