Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 2, 2013


Rainy day today with sudden downpours. Crazy, heavy rain. I ran out in the morning and picked up Bobby and Shannon. We picked chores out of the hat, the second day in a row so the house felt better today.

We did math and Garrett history. Charlie did all his schoolwork. I made a triple batch of granola and made zucchini soup.

The big kids spent the whole day in the studio and hockey was cancelled because of the rain. I was supposed to hang out with Kim while Doug was at baseball practice but that was cancelled to.

Tommy and Charlie went to Shannon's house. I cleaned out my desk (there's only 1 drawer) which made me clean some of the closet to make things fit. I'm trying to make my desk more productive. It was doing nothing before except holding a pile of stuff. I have my files set up and Carolyn is going to help me set up Quicken on my computer on Saturday. Then I can finish setting up my files. Cheryl's bookkeeping. I hope I can do it.

I was starving about 2 hours after I had supper. I tried to order pizza but the place closed at 9, so Ed bought frozen pizzas from Winn Dixie and cheesecake. Now I feel like blecjk!

I spent an hour and a half filling out forms to work on the Navy base. Now I have to get Ed to scan them and mail them tonight. Then I am going to bed. G'night!

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