Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013


I entered the rest of my bank statements onto Quicken today. They are all reconciled. I did it! It worked! I even printed off reports wirelessly! It's a major accomplishment for me. Now I have to start the credit cards. Then file receipts. I'm hoping to get caught up and then do it one day a week.

I wanted to practice fiddle and flute today but ran out of time. I did make a giant salad and took enough for supper for Tom and me. The kids all eat at Sloppy's. I'm trying to figure out a healthier and cheaper way for them to eat supper on Mondays. They love the Buffalo chicken wraps but I doubt there is any nutrition in them. We leave the house at 3:30 and don't get home till 11.

We picked up Bobby on the way to Sloppy's so he could drive Tom's car home and get his work done.

Our soundboard or computer was glitching during the show. It kept resetting itself so we would lose sound. It happened during the very first song a couple of times, and then a few more times. TJ restarted the computer and then I don't think we had anymore problems.

Rob talked me into sharing a piece of Key Lime pie with him and then I took the little boys for Gelato. On our way home we stopped to see Rob's new place. He's on the water, a peaceful and relaxing spot. Lots of stars out tonight.

We got home at 11. Kids finally settled down. Then Bob asked if someone could take Shannon home so I did. Joe went with me. We saw quite a few deer.

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