Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 20, 2013


I forgot that Charlie was invited to a birthday party today at Curry Hammock State Park. I was planning on going with him but other things got in the way. So I called his friend's mom to see if she could pick him up but she was almost there. She called another friend who agreed to meet me at Dion's a block from our house. So I woke up Charlie, packed his back pack and took him to Dion's for his ride. While all this was going on, I woke up the band so they could get ready to leave at 11 for their gig at Sunset Pier.

I hurried over to church for a going away party for a friend and her daughter. Garrett and Tommy went with me. Kim and Doug got back late last night from their trip and they went too,  so it was nice to see them. They were gone for a week to a pastors' conference.

I came home, made a loaf of bread and a batch of yogurt. While the dough was rising I went all by myself to Ida's and went swimming for an hour. It was over way too fast and I had to go back home. I put the bread in the oven and jumped in the shower. The bread flopped again while it was cooking. :0( I will keep trying. It's so weird. That never happened to me in NY once.

Nina, Tommy, and I left a little after 5:30 for the 2nd gig of the day at Schooner Wharf. We stopped at Walgreens to get some eye medicine for Ed. His pink eye might be back. 

The show was going along fine when Joe got really lethargic. He sat down by me and I peeled him an orange. He was eating all day so I didn't think food was the problem. I had packed him a cooler before they left and he had eaten everything but the orange. He had eaten at the first gig and eaten supper at Schooner before they started playing. I had him test his sugar and it was 90. That was good. It was very hot today and both gigs were outdoors. I think it was just too much fore him, the late gig the night before and getting out kind of early, the first gig in the heat , and now this gig going to midnight.

Joe played a few more songs and then the band told him he could go home so he went home with Tommy and me. Nina helped the boys finish the rest of the show. Yay for Nina! :0)

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