Friday, July 26, 2013

July 25, 2013


My yogurt was the best batch ever! Creamy and not runny, sweet, not sour. Joe even ate it without fruit or sugar.

I waked this morning, but only twice around the circle. Then I went down some of the dead end streets to the water.

I sewed my crocheted lace to Tom's pillowcase today. I was going to sew the lace to the sheet too, but it was a little too short. 

Nina and I went to Salvation Army. Then TJ dropped off the grand kids so he and Ang could go play at Blue Heaven. The younger boys went to Shannon's house. Nina took Jake and Callie out on the tramp for a while. I watched "Forks Over Knives" while crocheting and then made supper, a veggie stir-fry and brown rice. Jake and Callie emptied my plastic container cupboard. Bobby brought Charlie home from Shannon's. He was sick. 

I did the dishes. Then Callie was acting sleepy so I took her downstairs and laid her in her bed and she went right to sleep. About an hour later Jake did the same thing. That was easy. It was never that easy before. Usually they hang out till they drop.

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