Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June 30, 2013


Everyone slept till the last possible second this morning. Most of us headed to church. Ed, Nina, Ben, and Aaron headed to Key West to play at Sunset Pier. Ailisa slept over again, and Ariel too.

About 3 PM we went back to Byron's to go swimming again. We played badminton in the pool and visited with Byron and Ida. They almost always have popcicles for the kids and today was no exception. I'm scared of Joe having a seizure in the pool. He's heavy. But I was lucky. It didn't happen. When we left there, Joe accidentally let their dog, Bo, out. We tried to help get him back, but he just kept going. He knew what he was doing. He was being naughty. Luckily, their son was there and he caught the dog.

Once home, the boys got ready for hockey and went to the park. I made sloppy joes, potato salad, and a green salad. The boys weren't at the park very long when it started to rain. it rained just enough to wet the rink and stopped so they all came home. Doug and Kim came over for dinner after church. I was looking forward to that, but Tom kept talking about business and problems. I just wanted a nice meal and to visit. I didn't want heavy stuff, so I withdrew to the dishes.


  1. Kim's getting there! Can't wait to see the pictures of the new family member!

    -Beth Kafka

  2. I've been dying to see a photo of Kim, to see how she looks! Kim, you look wonderful. Best wishes. You are going to love, love, love being a mother to a beautiful child.

  3. I'll try to post more pictures of Kim :)
