Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3, 2013


Got up at 8, packed breakfast and some fruit and carrots and left at 9 to take Joe to a Dr. appt in Miami. It's the friendliest Dr.s office I've ever been to. After that we drove to Coral Springs to get the RV that Tom bought last Wednesday. We took it 2 miles to a tire shop and got 6 new tires, all for just under $1000. Tom stayed there while they got started on the tires, and Joe and I went across the street to Publix to buy us all some lunch. Before we came back, we visited Dairy Queen. I haven't been there in many years. We got chocolate milkshakes for Tom and Joe. I had a peanut butter explosion. We had to eat our dessert first or it would melt. :0)

When the tires were done we stopped at an auto parts store for a part to tow the car but they didn't have it so I had to drive the car home, 3 1/2 hours. Thankfully, I've made the trip a few times and was a little familiar with it. Tom and I got separated at the first toll. I already had our address in my gps so I was ok. We finally got back together. Traffic was heavy and slow. It's Miami, rush hour, and the beginning of a long holiday weekend.

We made it a good distance, but during the 18 mile stretch between the mainland and the Keys, Tom pulled over. He said it wasn't running good. When we tried to leave it wouldn't go. Tom called triple A and somehow we didn't have RV plus anymore so they wouldn't cover the towing. It would cost $750. Tom thought it was the transmission. We were just before the Jewfish Creek bridge, so we took the car and went to Key Largo to buy tranny fluid. Then drove back to the RV. It was now dark and Tom and Joe had to work on it on the side of the road with cars speeding by us and lightning in the distance. Not fun. But they got it going and we got back on the road. We pulled over quite a few times so Tom could check things or add more fluid. We got gas once and it took forever. There was a lot of traffic on US 1 due to the holiday weekend. Everyone was in a hurry. I don't like driving in that.

We made it home at 1:30 AM. Rob had coffee for us, the dishes were done, and the living room clean. We were really glad to be home.

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