Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 10, 2014


It's been so hot out and I get to bed so late- my excuses for not walking. :0(

We did math and history. The big kids were at church all day practicing and setting up for youth group. Bobby picked Charlie up and took him to Shannon's. He hasn't been there in over a month so was very excited to go. He loves going there. Tom went to chaperone at church. And me?  I went to Kim's to weave. I was a bit troubled because I couldn't figure out what to make for supper. Kim and I finally just ordered pizza. It's so expensive though. :0(

I finally decided that I would make lentil sloppy joes, but when the kids got home, I heard they were going out for Chinese, so I made a triple batch of vegan mac and cheese for whoever might want to eat at home.

I did another Omnibus lesson and went to bed. (Prep for a class I'm doing with Tommy next year). I'm thinking about starting Algebra with Garrett in a few days.

We had a very orange sunset tonight. The three other pics are of the wraps on the looms right now. Kim's been working on the first one, me on the second, and Angelica just started on the third one.

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