Friday, July 4, 2014

July 3, 2014


I went fort walk. I'm trying hard to get back into my routine. I ate oatmeal and headed to Kim's to weave. It took me a while to find my groove, and wove two feet. We also started winding another warp on the back beam of another loom. 

I stopped at Winn Dixie for 3 things on my way home. I did sschool with Charlie and corrected Tommy's math with him. Then made supper so we could eat at 4, then left for the gig at Dockside in Marathon. This was a gig for the bluegrass band, TJ, Ang, Kim, and Joe. Tom and I babysat all 4 kids at the gig, Jake, Callie, Violet, and Stevie. We made it thru, but barely. I wanted Garrett to go with us to help but he really wanted to go to youth group so I let him.

About halfway thru we tried taking the kids for a walk, with the double stroller and the two babies in ring slings. Poor Jake had a meltdown. He did not want to go for a walk andade it very difficult. One woman even came out on her porch to see what all the screaming was about. We gave up and turned around.

When we were almost back, Jake jad finally calmed down, and spotted his iPhone (TJ's old phone) on the edge of the road. He had lots of games and music on it. It had been run over by a car and the screen was broken. It must have fallen out of the stroller during his tantrum. I hope he remembers this lesson.

I failed to mention, it was 90 degrees and the heat index was 102. 

When we left, Joe was starving so we tried to get him something from McDonalds. There was about 100 people in there so then tried Wendy's. Success. But Ang got a sudden migraine on the drive home. As soon as we got home she got out of the van and threw up. :0(

TJ had to move the sleeping kids in car seats to his car, and he and Ang left for their house. Poor violet was crying the whole time. :0( So Tom and I followed them home and helped get the kids in the house. The baby calmed down right away and Callie stayed sleeping. 


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