Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 11, 2014


It's our anniversary! 28 years!! That's a long time, and I can't be that old.

Tom took me out for my favorite meal, breakfast, then we went to the bank to pay off a credit card. What fun. Glad for the breakfast though. 

Back at home I corrected a math lesson with Garrett and helped Charlie with history. I took Charlie with me to Winn Dixie for just a few things for supper. He wanted to buy me chocolate for an anniversary present too. When I got home, I made the sloppy joes with lentils for everyone since our gig was not feeding us tonight. :0( I made a salad too. I packed some up and took it to TJ's so Angelica could have a night off from making supper, then headed over to the weaving studio to weave with Kim for about an hour. Angelica joined us too. 

Hurried home to go to the gig. The younger boys went to movie night at church. I went with the band to our gig at Tarpon Creek in Marathon. The boys forgot 3 things, the drum kick pedal, the keyboard stand, and Ed's mandolin pedals, so Tom and I drove 45 minutes back home to fetch them. It was kind of a downer ride because Tom was venting about the kids. 

Back at the gig, I got a brownie ice cream dessert and they treated Tom and I with a pizza since it was our anniversary. Micky and Randy joined us. We also met our accountant's secretary there to sign some papers. Tom also vented to Randy and Micky. I did not want to hear it again so I listened to the band. 

The moon was really pretty tonight. I got a pic of it coming up while we were driving to the gig, and Nina got some pics of it while at the gig. 

The kids were hungry again when we got home. Ed complained there was nothing to eat. Grrr. There were only 2 lemons in the fruit drawer. No bananas. They eat everything so fast. I told Ed he could be in charge of feeding everyone. He and Nina made spaghetti. That was after midnight and I got to bed sometime after one.

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