Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 23, 2014


I went walking for and ran for 2 minutes. :0/

Woke up Charlie and took him to fiddle camp. Showered. Ate oatmeal. Did school with Garrett and Tommy. Finishing up last year, starting the new year, making plans, trying the new stuff slowly, figuring out how it works. 

Garrett is starting high school with Christain Liberty Academy, an accredited school, where if I push him and work with him, he will get a diploma. I'll do some of the work with Tommy, and if it works out, I will do it with Tommy next year and later with Charlie. Tommy is going to do two things that Garrett won't, Omnibis and Latin. Tommy liked Latin when we did it two years ago. He's good with languages.

I also did school with Charlie. He spent most of his day at church with the older boys in the studio. I went to Kim's about 3:30 and kept on threading heddles. Alice fed us supper and it was delicious. What a treat to have someone else make me food. Right now I am so sick of buying and preparing food.

We went to church for Bible study. At the end, Charlie felt super sick and was crying. His stomach and head hurt. Fran let Ben borrow his car to take Charlie and me home. 

I made Charlie a bed on the floor at the foot of my bed and and set him up to watch the movie "Hop" on my computer. I laid on the end of my bed and watched most of it with him. I wasn't feeling too good myself, kind of achy and not right, so I took some ibuprofin and we went to sleep when the movie was over.

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