Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014


Went walking first thing this morning. It was hot, muggy, and no breeze. When I got home I woke up Charlie and got him ready for fiddle camp. It's every morning this week. I dropped him off and went home and showered. Made coffee and did devos. 

I had to sprinkle water on Garrett to wake  him up at 11:30 AM. He wants an iPhone and I told him he could get one when he gets up on his own for a month. I guess he doesn't want it that bad 'cause he can't do it. 

We did some schoolwork and the kids did chores.  Trying to wrap up this school year and get ready for the next.

At 2:30 I made a Waldorf salad and put it on top of a green salad. I packed it for Tom, Ed, and I, to eat on the way and at Sloppy's. 

Sloppy's was too much for me today. I just need some quiet. Lots of fans though. It was encouraging talking to people. I took the kids for a walk over to Mallory Square. Not sure what I'm doing tomorrow, if I'm taking it off or doing school. I need to weed our yard too. 

Took this pic driving to Sloppy's.

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