Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June 30, 2014


This morning we had time to slow down. I walked down to the boathouse with Tom to do my devos, but there were too many birds, wasps, and spiders for me to relax, so I went back to the house. 

We didn't have to leave the house till 12:30 pm. The first stop was the Mexican Restaurant in Albertville, where the owner treated us for lunch, and it was a treat. The food was delicious! Our good friends Wanda and Irv, drove all the way from Marietta, GA, to join us. 

Then we were off to a radio show with Wanda and Irv joining us. That was fun, but we forgot Charlie when we left. Apparently he was in the bathroom. I asked the occupants of the van if there were any empty seats when we left. I asked if everyone was here. Grrrrr!!!!! Luckily, the men at the station were super friendly and we were just a couple minutes away.

We went back to Sebastien's Restaurant to set up and were fed again. I love sitting at a table where we can all sit together. It was a long time for Jake and Callie to hang out at a restaurant, but they made it. Callie and I played cards and we took turns throwing cards into her hat. Our concert was sold out and was a lot of fun. 

We drove a half hour back to our house and everyone went straight to bed. 

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