Monday, July 14, 2014

July 13, 2014


I got up early enough to have some quiet time before church. After church I relaxed at home for an hour, then took a bunch of kids swimming at Ida's. I took Garrett, Charlie, Jonathan, Ian, and Ariel. The water felt so good. I wish we had a pool.

Came home and made a pizza from the new book that Angelica's mom got her for her birthday. I made the crust, the sauce, the vegan cheese, and put spinach, mushrooms, onions, and red peppers on it. It looked great and smelled great, but tasted blah. I liked it better dipping it in the sauce. I need to try a different cheese recipe. I can't remember which recipe worked for me. 

Anyways, after I ate I met Tom at church. After that Tom and I went to Boondocks to hear the band Good Company. That was really fun. I look forward to seeing them again. Our kids and some of their friends met us there . They had two gigs today and were on their way home. The band was  done at 10 and we went home. The kids brought all those friends over. Tom and I went to bed. The kids stayed up a long time, watched a movie I think. I couldn't fall asleep so I finally used my headphones and listened to a book. 

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