Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 8, 2014


I got Charlie off to his fiddle lesson just before 10 AM, exercised, and showered. Joe helped pick up the living room. Tom and I left at 11 AM to take Tommy to the doctor's for a camp physical.

Joe, Tom, and I dropped off two basses at Dean's to get repaired. Then stopped at TJ's so Tom could get the GMC that TJ had borrowed. Tom put a new radiator in Ed's van last week. This week he's fixing air-conditioners, and today was the GMC's turn. Tom took the GMC home, and Joe took me on a date to No Name Pub. I was good and ordered a vegetarian salad. Rita was working amid we saw Doug and Roberta too.

I dropped Joe off at home and went to Kim's and threaded and wove for two hours. Went home from there and cut up four heads of cauliflower plus used two frozen bags to make Buffalo Cauliflower. The boys all went to the park to play hockey. TJ dropped off the kids so he and Angelica could go on a date and get groceries. I also made a salad and cut up two watermelons. 

Rita watched the little ones at the park. They came home and we ate. Garrett did dishes. I knitted a little, then had to help Garrett put palm fanzes in a garbage can, in the dark. I told him to do it earlier but he didn't listen. That was about midnight. Sometes he is a real bum.

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