Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 25, 2014


I went waking this morning, then got Charlie ready for Georgina to pick him up for the last day of fiddle camp. They met at a friend's house for water games, pizza, and fun. I showered and then took Garrett to Marathon for his physical for Sea Camp. On the way there we saw the mast of a sailboat banging against the 7 Mile Bridge. 

After we got home I finished Garrett's paperwork for camp, then I escaped to Ida's pool, by myself. Kim and Stevie met me there. I stayed about 4 hours and went home. 

I started feeling hot and cold, headache, and weird sore throat so I payed down. The band went to their gig at Mangrove Mama's. At 7:30 I ordered pizza for the younger boys. At 8 I picked up the pizza and then crawled back in bed. I woke up so many times during the night. 

And the younger boys, they did everything Tom told them not to do. Tom told them to stay out of Nina's room, no TV (also in Nina's room), and no video games. They did all three. 

The boys new video cenoit today. Check it out :0)

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