Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 29, 2014


I got up to my alarm at 7:15. I got myself ready, then woke up Tommy. I made him toast, made sure he had everything, and took him to camp. It is literally just minites away. On my way home I stopped at Winn Dixie for groceries. I was super prepared, had my list all organized before I went. Came home and Garrett helped carry it all up the stairs. Then I put it all away. I had the boys pick chores. The place is starting to shape up. Tom also told the kids no friends sleeping over for a while. It's been a madhouse for a while, for a long while.

Today i started with history with Garrett, then I did school with Charlie while Garrett did his math. Eddy had to help me make the discs work in the computer for Garrett's Algebra lessons. It's a good thing I have teenagers or I couldn't make anything work.

Joe folded two more baskets of laundry for me today. Before I knew it, it was time to pick up Tommy from camp. I did that, then did the dishes (Garrett's chore but he never had time). I had a break from 6-7. All the kids went to the park for hockey. Tommy got called over to church because someone else didn't show up to work.

I cut up watermelon,  made a salad, and made Buffalo Cauliflower. We ate about 9 o'clock.  It got late, and I almost went to bed and left the dishes for morning. All the boys except Charlie had gone to the church to play laser tag with a friend who is moving away. While I did dishes, Tom was on the phone with Verizon trying to straighten out a problem with our bill. It's the second time they activated 2 old phones and tried charging us for them. It took Tom 2 hours to get it taken care of. I fell asleep while he was still on the phone with them.

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