Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 12, 2014


The band left about 10:30 AM for Mel Fisher Days. They ran sound all day for the other bands and played at 4. I did a few chores here, then went to Winn Dixie so I could make a meal to take with me to feed the band. 

When I got home I made BBQ wraps of lettuce, corn, kidney beans. BBQ sauce, and Way Better chips. I made a few sloppy joes from leftovers and cut up a watermelon. I packed it all in the cooler with some apples. Garrett went to Dion's and bought me 2 bags of ice. I put one in the 5 gallon water cooler and Garrett loaded it in the car. Garrett also put the rest of the groceries away. 

I left with Tommy and Charlie at 2 PM and picked up TJ. TJ drove into Key West. I don't like driving.  

We had a wonderful day. No rain. Some clouds moved in which meant shade so it cooled off a little later on. Kim played the first half and I watched Stevie. Kim left with Stevie and Tommy. When our set was over, TJ left with Charlie, Ariel, and Ian. So Tom and I got to take a walk during the last band. We strolled down to Starbucks for a free cafe latte (I had a coupon) and watched a bunch of old cars go down Duval Street. When we were walking back the power went out in all the stores and the stop lights. We could still hear the bass of the band playing. Sloppy's and the band still had power. 

When the last band was finished, we packed up and got home around 10. 

I want one. :0)
The moon coming up on the drive home. Love that blue.

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