Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 7, 2014


Ummm...laundry. I'm spending too much time picking up. Time to delegate. Get the chore hat going again. The older kids went to the studio. The younger boys went to Bahia Honda with Kim and Angelica. I exercised and showered. 

I made an appointment for Tuesday for a physical for Tommy. He needs it to go to camp the end of July. Then had to hurry to Winn Dixie and get groceries again. I always take cash and have to add things up as I go so I don't go over. All four vehicles were gone. Three were at church. Really? They couldn't take one or two, but needed all three? So I had to wait for Ed to bring me a car. Tom had the 4th vehicle. 

Came home, put it all away, and made a salad with leftover baked beans from yesterday. Tommy and Charlie are grounded from their iPads so had to ride to Sloppy's with nothing to do. They also had nothing to do at Sloppy's. I almost brought math along but ran out of time. I ended up teaching Charlie "Cat's Cradle" withy yarn I had with me. We played that much of the night. I never knitted one stitch.

Got home and Garrett had done the dishes! Yeah! It doesn't take a lot to make me happy. 

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