Monday, July 21, 2014

July 20, 2014


Woke up early. Went to church. After church, Fran invited Charlie swimming at the Key West pool. Nina's band went to their gig at Sunset Pier. As soon as I walked in the door I was reminded of the mess, so Tom and I went to Byron and Ida's to go swimming. Angelica joined us with Jake. TJ stayed home with Callie, who had a fever. 

Went home and grabbed something to eat, then went to church again. Afterwards, the boys played hockey and I made supper, vegan mac'n cheese. I was going to make a salad too but was too tired. It's time for Garrett to start making salads. 

I've got to get to bed earlier. I'm crabby at the end of the day. I don't like that.

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