Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 16, 2014


I missed the last two days. Monday was Sloppy Joes. Did school. Hurried all day. I was out of lettuce and didn't have time to go to the store. TJ and I ate at Duetto's and everyone else ate at Sloppy's.

I thought on Tuesday we would have a full school day but everything got in the way. I can't even remember it now. I did run out with Charlie to buy a birthday present for a party we went to at 5 o'clock. We also hurried into Winn Dixie for fixin's for an icecream cake for Luke. It was his birthday too.

Bri wrapped the presents. I threw together the cake and got it in the freezer. Then we went to the birthday party at the park. It was a fun party with water balloons, bubbles, dress the snowman, piƱata, pizza, candy, cake, and punch. The teenagers got a little crazy and a few people ended up wearing cupcakes.

The heat and the bugs helped the party come to an end. I went home and showered. The boys came home and put on their hockey equipment, then went back to the park. I stayed home and made supper, baked beans, rice, cantaloupe, and watermelon. 

After we ate, which had to be 9:30ish, we sang to Luke and ate icecream cake. I did dishes the whole time I was in the kitchen. I finally quit and went to bed. The kids went to church to play laser tag (close to midnight). Summer vacation is wearing me out and I don't get summer vacation).

Finally, Wednesday.  I had a hard time with my attitude all day. The house is such a mess. I should have taken a picture. Garbage, boxes, toys, instruments, another broken chair...that's not my living room. It's a garbage dump! And dishes! Argh!!!! And laundry? I'm drowning in it. 

Tommy threw up during the night. He made it to the bathroom but threw up in the sink. He tried to clean it up but plugged the sink. I cleaned it up but couldn't get the sink to drain, and since Tom was home, I let him have the honor.

The kids had meetings at church at noon. Tom and I spent about 2 hours doing office work, phone calls, etc. I also folded laundry.  TJ and Angelica took Garrett and Charlie to Curry Hammock State Park to a homeschooler's get together. Stuff like that used to be fun for me, now it just makes me more behind.

I decided to escape to Ida's pool and go swimming by myself. Ida didn't answer her phone though, so I tried laying out on the hammock. She eventually called me back and I went over. It was wonderful. I can't go over there every day though. She would let me, but it would be overstaying my welcome.

Came home and scraped together veggies for a wrap. Went to Bible study at church. Came home. Still a garbage dump. I cleaned off a few bookshelves. Trying to thin out some books and make more room.

At about 10:30 I had enough and went to my room and shut the door.  Tom said Ben washed the dishes. At 11 o'clock he put Joe in charge of the chore hat and made them do chores. 

Good night moon.

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