Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 19, 2014


I didn't sleep well and got up early. We needed groceries so I went to Winm Dixie so the band could eat before they left for their first of two gigs. 

I put food away and picked up TJ and Jake and Callie. TJ went to the gig and I took the kids to our house. I planned on making yogurt but didn't get to it. I need to make granola too. 

Callie fell asleep at noon. She woke up with a fever and then sat on my lap while I did bookkeeping.  Around 3 o'clock I took Tommy, Charlie, Jake, and Callie over to the weaving studio.  Angelica met us there and we all worked till 6ish. Ang took her kids home and I took Tommy and Charlie to meet the band at Schooner Wharf.

It's been pretty hot. I sat with a fan on me. I drank tons of water and felt water logged all night. We left early with TJ and watched tons of lightning while driving home. Afterone extremely bright blast of lightning, Key West and Stock Island lost power and went dark. 

Luckily the rain wasn't too hard and stopped by the time we reached home. 

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